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Colleen Busch

I am a hard working full-time employed mother of three boys and a loving husband. I hope some day to be able to support my family through blogging. As I truly do LOVE to blog and share my experiences and passions. I love to bake and cook for family and our two rescue dogs. Our family has overcome and continues to deal with many medical issues. I am a cervical cancer survivor. My husband has asthma and allergies. Our middle son has asthma, eczema, teeth issues and anxiety problems. But we continue to look at life positively and enjoy each and every day. I enjoy product reviews and giveaways. I love to try and learn about products, focusing on fitness and health, food/kitchen, pet and children related items and allergy and skin friendly products. I especially look forward to sharing my knowledge to help promote these products to my blog followers. So,I can make a difference helping others reach out to new ideas and products. I believe in Positive Parenting and Healthy living.