A Fierce Force in Social Media Marketing: The Female Influencer
With 98% of female bloggers and 81% of general population relying on blogger affirmation for their buying decisions
About The Blog Workshop
Campaign Need
Sverve Influencer Impact
The Blog Workshop is a teaching community for bloggers and vloggers. Our goal is to provide information that will help bloggers and vloggers take their ventures to the next level. Through our workshops, annual conference, and community we are working hard to facilitate blogging education and help bridge the gap between Influencers, brands, PR professionals and more. We are honored to be a part of providing information, resources and opportunities for bloggerpreneurs and future blogging scholars. The Blog Workshop is "Where Blogging Meets Business".
As a conference tailored to influencers, The Blog Workshop saw a perfect fit with Sverve. However, The Blog Workshop found Sverve to serve as much more than just another marketing means to a database of Influencers. Sverve has become The Blog Workshop's premier location to tap into a community of Influencers and manage communications and workflow with hundreds of potential applicants via an extremely cost-effective and time-saving platform.
The Blog Workshop turned to Sverve to promote its May conference and increase blogger attendance. Via an affiliate model campaign, The Blog Workshop asked Influencers to promote various media items and share posts related to the conference. Influencers received commissions per sale and free attendance to the online conference.
Since The Blog Workshop initiated its campaign, they have received hundreds of quality applicants excited to work on its affiliate model and garnered continuous coverage for the conference. Given the tremendous positive response and results, The Blog Workshop renewed its campaign and continues to find several new quality applicants weekly eager to work with the brand.
136 Influencers engaged
Reach: 437K Twitter followers + 200K FB Likes
"Working with Sverve has been such a wonderful experience. As a brand preparing for our first conference we were able to reach out to our exact target demographic, in a cost and time effective manner. Sverve has definitely found a lasting relationship with us."
-Da Vinci, founder of The Blog Workshop.
About eduPad
Campaign Need
Sverve Influencer Impact
eduPad is a France based startup developing educational applications for mobile devices focused on the Elementary to Middle School kids. eduPad also works on eduPad studio, a cross-platform solution that enables 3rd parties with educational content to easily publish mobile apps.
Penetrating a new market base is never easy. That is why eduPad turned to Sverve to help promote and showcase several of their new educational apps in the US. As a France based company, eduPad was interested in launching their apps in the US and targeting a specific demographic: Moms -- the group most likely purchase educational apps for kids. While typically building brand awareness in a new market can be quite time consuming and costly, Sverve provided eduPad with the opportunity to readily access the right influencers eager to help review and promote their excellent educational apps for kids.
The eduPad campaign offered Influencers an opportunity to review an application and write a sponsored post on the application experience. More than 100 bloggers applied for the campaign. In a matter of just days, eduPad was able to engage the right Influencers focused on schooling, education and app review to obtain optimal coverage for their apps. The Sverve platform provided a means to easily target and work with the strongest applicants unique to their brand.
Quick and easy access to the right influencers and their information allowed edu- Pad to tap into an efficient means to spread the word about their phenomenal applications in the US and make the most out of their marketing expenditures.
eduPad received continuous and extensive coverage for several of their apps via blog posts and various social media channels. They also showcased several reviews on a "Testimonials" page giving further credence to their highly useful and wellliked educational applications.
14 influencers engaged (out of 100 applicants)
Blog reviews showcased on eduPad website
Reach: 85K Twitter followers + 78K Monthly visitors + 20K FB likes
About VerbalizeIt
Campaign Need
Sverve Influencer Impact
VerbalizeIt leverages technology to enable businesses and consumers to access a global network of human language translators. VerbalizeIt empowers companies to seize international business opportunities, helps travelers navigate language barriers abroad and enables companies to better engage with an increasingly diverse consumer population. Their translation solutions include, but are not limited to; live interpretation, document translation, video conversations, audio files, subtitling and more.
Recognizing the importance of online influence, VerbalizeIt, a New York City based translation company, found Sverve to be an excellent medium to enhance their presence online via a seasonal brand campaign. Helping people break through language barriers can be difficult, but tapping into the online influencer market can help you generate the reach needed to help more people communicate across language barriers.
VerbalizeIt illustrated its translation services by featuring a seasonal Valentine's Day video in which "I Love You" was spoken in various languages and viewers were asked to vote on their favorite. The video and voter results were presented on VerbalizeIt's website. Influencers were asked to vote and promote the video via their social media channels.
VerbalizeIt's reach online extended beyond merely those engaged via Sverve. The Sverve platform allowed VerbalizeIt to garner buzz for their video two-fold, both via engaged Influencers and the thousands of followers reached by each Influencer engaged. In fact, the services were so well received by our community, influencers reached out to Sverve looking for additional opportunities to work with VerbalizeIt on a Product Review Campaign!
38 Influencers engaged
Reach: 141K Twitter followers + 80K FB Likes
"At VerbalizeIt we work to break down language barriers every day. Our customers are located all over the world. When we're looking to reach more people with our campaigns we turn to Sverve. Their Influencer network is plugged-in world-wide. It's reassuring to know that connecting with quality Influencers means our message is reaching engaged readers globally."
-Mark Harrison, Director of Marketing
About Flightpath
Campaign Need
Sverve Influencer Impact
Flightpath is a creative digital agency located in NYC. Flightpath provides digital imperatives-web design and mobile apps, SEM, SEO, social media-with full-service strategic, creative and production capabilities
Blogger outreach is a key service in many PR/Agency firms offering social media coverage. However, as firms have multiple clients spanning across brand genres with unique needs, finding the right Influencer for any specific client can take hours to days.
With an impending promotion launch for Goya, one of their clients, Flightpath turned to Sverve to help increase their potential outreach and productivity. The Goya campaign helped promote a new bi-lingual MyPlate Cookbook. Influencers were asked to review the cookbook and share it with their followers. Influencers were offered a free cookbook and coupons for products to create great dishes from the cookbook recipes. They were also able to offer giveaways of the book to their readers! Flightpath's time in search of the right bloggers was cut by more than 75% as isolating bloggers who review food, recipes, and cookbooks was easily achieved through category match-making via campaign tags. Sverve's streamlined details and statistics on each applicant then made selecting and working with the right blogger out of a pool of 150+ seamless.
Flightpath was able to secure continuous and extensive coverage for the Goya cookbook and ensure that their client was well publicized via all social media outlets. Flightpath increased their Blogger outreach productivity by over 75% and was able to connect and work with countless more bloggers than they initially anticipated.
47 influencers engaged (out of 167 applicants)
Reach: 169K Twitter followers + 391K Monthly visitors + 100K FB likes
40+ blog posts written for Goya cookbook
Saved agency on average 80% time on blogger outreach
"...Thanks again, I will tell all the PR people I know to use [Sverve]"
-- Betsy Smith, Sr. Social Media Strategist @ Flightpath