


Today we have Jennifer Saarinen from Homeschooling Mom 4 Two! Learn her motivation and success in blogging!

How, when & why did you being blogging?

I began blogging in April 2012. So it’s been 2 years now. I had somehow stumbled across a blog one day offering a giveaway. I’m all about saving money and thought entering giveaways on blogs was a great idea. Maybe I’d actually have a chance to win something, and I did. So I really started visiting blogs basically just to enter giveaways, and then to be completely honest, started my blog for the opportunity to work with brands and review the products myself. Right now though, I’m actually working to overhaul my blog in order to be more true to what I believe my blog should really be about. I want to share with my readers ways we can teach our children through educational activities, arts and crafts, and things like that.

What are you preferred blogging topics?

I’m really focused on my kids and love to share our latest arts and crafts projects as well as my family’s favourite recipes. I want to start sharing some more of our homeschool projects and science experiments as well. They are so much fun.

What are you up to when not blogging?

I homeschool my girls and have a small home daycare. So between teaching my own kids as well as caring for 4 little ones between the ages of 1 and 3, I’m kept pretty busy when I’m not blogging. We love things like trips to the playground and the library as well as days at the zoo and camping during the summer. We’re so happy that winter is finally over, so we’ll be spending much more time outdoors. The kids love doing their schoolwork on the front lawn.

What are your tips for balancing family life and blogging?

I don’t personally have a set schedule for blogging, so I may not be the best example. Life is pretty crazy around here. I fit blogging in when I have a moment now and then, but it’s often when the kids have gone to bed for the night.

Why and how do you use Sverve?

I like to use Sverve a few different ways. For me, it’s another way to connect with brands. I like being able to scroll through the list of campaigns and find opportunities that appeal to me and suit my blog. It’s also a great place to follow other bloggers and look through the recent posts they’ve shared. I find lots of great tips and ideas for my own blog that way.  Bloggers can also get fantastic advice through Sverve webinars. It’s a great resource overall.

Can you share any blogging tips that have really helped you?

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. When using social media don’t focus on just one platform. I used to focus mostly on Facebook and Twitter, but I’ve been working hard at making better use of Pinterest, making sure I have great pin worthy images on each post. I’m now working on Google+ and StumbleUpon which are also great ways to get your content out there. Engaging fans and readers in conversation is also important. I think people are more likely to come back when they feel they have a personal connection to the blogger, that I’m a real person with a real family, not just a website.

What do you love most about blogging?

Blogging has really opened up a new world to me. Not only have I been able to work with great brands and offer my family things and experiences that we wouldn’t otherwise have been able to afford, but I’ve learned a lot and see bloggers and Social Media as a fantastic resource. Now I hope to work on the quality and content of my blog so I can hopefully become a useful resource to others.
You can find Jennifer on her blog, Facebook, Pinterest & Google+!

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