


How did you being blogging?

I’ve been blogging since 2003 (Xanga!) about random life stuff, then I about planning my wedding in 2007, and then I started another blog in 2008 about being a new mom, We3Liebs. I started The B Keeps Us Honest on November 1, 2009. I wanted to write about parenting, products for parents and offer giveaways. Honestly, we were pretty broke at that point in time and I was looking for a way to supplement our income since I was a stay-at-home mom. Little did I realize how much work a blog would be and how little money it would actually produce but along the way I fell in love with the online community and it just sort became “my thing”.

 What are you preferred blogging topics?

I love doing giveaways… That’s how and why I started The B and I love the opportunity to giveaway cool products to readers.
I also love writing about my parenting trials. I know it seems weird but it’s sort of therapeutic. I hope that when I write honestly about my struggles that someone with similar struggles will stumble upon it and be encouraged. 

What are your 3 favorite blog posts?

Pumpkin Breakfast Cookies Recipe:
Sharing my story about having a son with SPD:
And my Whole30 Challenge Series:

What are some blogging tools that you could not live without?

My Products Spreadsheet, my online community and scheduling tools.

I have a spreadsheet where I keep track of everything I’m working on  - due dates, contact emails, details… all in one easy to access place. It’s a life and time saver.
Online community is a must – I have several different groups of online friends that I consult when I need blogging advice or encouragement, without these wonderful people I would have probably given up years ago.
I schedule most of my posts and tweets so tools that allow me to work when I can and schedule them to post when it’s best are invaluable to me.

What do you do for fun?

I love spending time with my family. We like to go out and explore our city, there are always fun family activities in Raleigh.

What are your tips for balancing family life and blogging?

I try to blog whenever the kids are sleeping or on the weekend when we are having down time. When my kids want my attention they get first dibs on me.

Why and how do you use Sverve?

I haven’t been using Sverve very long but I’ve been very excited about the review/sponsored opportunities I’ve received from brands. I’ve also found some really great posts and blogs from new bloggers.

Do you have any tips for your success on Sverve?

Connect with others. Online community is so important if you plan to have any success. I love connecting with other bloggers and share tips and advice.

Connect with Jessica on her blog, The B Keeps Us Honest, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+ and Twitter.

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  • Antionette Blake October 1, 2013, 12:22 pm

    Congratulations – will be checking out your blog this week!
    Antionette Blake recently posted…Delaware Today’s 1st Annual Fashion AwardsMy Profile


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