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Krista Bainbridge

I am Krista. Mom to two beautiful girls and wife to Andrew. I am a little sassy, a lot sarcastic and have an inexplicable love of supernatural things. I also LOVE grumpy cat. April 2013, our youngest daughter was diagnosed with a wheat allergy. This diagnosis would take us on a whirlwind adventure of learning how to eat and live in a gluten-filled society! Through this, my focus on the blog has changed, what was originally about couponing and the occasional natural living product review, quickly became a site about uncovering safe products and sharing them regularly. Since I was no longer shopping at mainstream stores, the time spent on couponing there and finding deals, was cut back dramatically and my time went into gluten-free research. I hope you enjoy this journey with me and maybe learn a thing or two about organic living and gluten-free eating. This site is about you: my readers ? so if you want to see something different let me know! Another thing about me? I love to be green! We try hard to live a green lifestyle, taking care of this planet so that when it is handed off to the next generation of munchkins, there is something for them to have! I look to incorporate green techniques in the way we clean, the way we eat and how we live in general. I hope you'll learn something about green or organic living as you peruse my blog!