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Sweet Relish Make a List X4 Campaign

Campaign expires on 05/31/2013 expired SVERVE Exclusive Campaign

Sweet Relish is the new Secret Sauce to Shopping! Sweet Relish is an online tool for organizing discoveries, sharing what you want, and seeing what others like. The best part is that you can actually buy what you find. It is the missing piece to online shopping!

This April bloggers are sharing their favorite Sweet Relish lists with their readers. Join us for a month long promotion and discover the Secret Sauce of Shopping!
We would like you to:
1.) Create a list on Sweet Relish that is relevantand compelling to you readers. Some examples include "10 Things Mom Would Actually Like to Get on Mother's Day" or "5 Updates for Your Spring Wardrobe."The possibilities are endless. If you list includes one of our partner brands, please let us know and we may be able to provide a sample for you to review (Sweet Relish partner brands are what show up on the right hand side of the homepage. They change daily. They are also in the "Relish Jar" when you are on your Sweet Relish profile).

2.) Post an introduction to one list each week, for a total of 4 posts during the month of April. Referring your readers over to to see the full list will help readers know where they can buy these products.

3.) Post a button or ad promoting your list on the right rail of your site as well. We can provide a graphic/collage showcasing a few items on your list- just ask! By the end of the month, you'd have 4 buttons/ads on the right rail.
It's as simple as that!

  • online shopping
  • Fashion
  • Brand Name Shopping
  • Shopping
  • bargain shopping

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