Sverve Scoring
Sverve Influencer Scoring is based on a three-tier approach that aims to provide an overall picture of an Influencer’s reach with regard to social media, authorship, and reputation. The scoring takes into account various metrics that are both self-reported and acquired by third parties. Three key aspects of an influencer’s reach are measured:
1. Social Influence
Sverve takes into account an influencer’s following on key social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. All scores are relative and weighted by the significance of each platform.
2. Blog Influence
Sverve considers a wide variety of metrics to quantify each Influencer’s authorship and reach via her site. Some key metrics are unique visitors, page views, Alexa ranking, Alexa backlinks and Google page rank. Again, this is a relative ranking. Influencers are measured in comparison to her peers.
3. Sverve Influence
Sverve is unique for its user-curated classification of influencers and endorsements by peers. Sverve influence is calculated by the number of endorsements an influencer has received in her top three areas of influence as compared to her peers.
Sverve Scores are updated frequently to reflect the current state of influence and growing pool of influencers. Sverve is also continuously bringing more metrics into its scoring system to make it increasingly accurate and comprehensive.