Guest post by AmilaIf you need a profitable and a valuable blog, then it will not happen by simply creating a blog and post time to time when you feel like writing a post. Instead, you need to work towards a goal and make your blog stand out.
While there are many ways to boost your blog rank, did you know there are also things that could destroy your blog? Maybe you don’t know that you are making those mistakes!
Here I listed some possible mistakes that you might make thinking that will attract traffic or opportunities, but actually ruin your blog.
Try to avoid them at all if you really want a successful blog.
Not updating frequently
Google likes fresh content. If you update the blog regularly with new content, this will benefit you to get search engines to index your site resulting more natural search traffic. This is important to get more new visitors and also to gain more subscribers.
Not only Google, even your readers and followers like new fresh contents frequently. If there is no new content, most probably they will forget your blog.
If you do not post new content at least once a week, you are losing visitors and followers.
Not easy to Navigate
If users can’t easily navigate your site, they will not stay there and find solutions on how to navigate your site. Instead they’ll just find another blog that’s easier to use. Remember to use labels, share a list of recent posts and popular posts list.. This will enhance user experience and as a result you’ll gain any new leads and traffic.
Too Many Ads
Ok, let’s face it. You want to monetize the blog. Advertising is one of the ways to monetize your blog. But if you do it in a wrong way, you will ruin your blog. Keep in mind; visitors come to your site to find some important information. If they are happy with your content, the chances are more that they will browse more posts and finally a conversion.
However, too many ads will result in visitors to hit back button, this will also affect your bounce rate and rankings with search engines. Your blog may look like lot cluttered. As Google always values user experience , lots of bounced traffic hints search engines that your site isn’t worth visiting. Final result is your site will not get higher rank in search engines.
Use of intrusive ads
Nobody likes distractions; if you have pop-up ads all over your blog, you can assure your readers will leave your blog before reading another post. Other distracting ads are the ads used in links. If a user click this type of link thinking you have linked to a related document and finally end up in an irrelevant page, chances are they will not stay in your blog.
On the other way, link ads will discourage users to click your links in the blog post. If you use affiliate links in the same post, then maybe you miss some affiliate sale commission as no one click on those links or those links are not clearly visible.
Not Publishing Quality Content.
Although you update the blog in a regular basis, this mistake will still ruin your blog.
Always keep in mind that users want some quality information from your posts. That’s why they visit your blog. But, instead of quality content, if your post is just something, most people will not read it.
Remember, always it is ‘Quality’ not the ‘Quantity’
Writing too long articles/posts
It is good to write long articles for SEO purpose. However, don’t write a 3000 words long article and expect that readers to read it full. Write your blog posts with a word count 500-1000 words. However, if you want to share lot of information or want to cover a topic into detail, write it as a series of posts and interlink each post. This will even make your readers to stay in your blog reading all posts and in return a lower bounce rate.
Content is not scannable
Users are busy and they visit your site to find some information they searched in a search engine. However, if you write content with long paragraphs and cannot find what you are trying to say at a glance, chances are that they will not stay in your blog to read your post.
For ease of readability, try to write in small paragraphs, use bold text and sub topics. Use bullets and numbers to separate the things you discuss in your article. Also make the post interesting by inserting images.
Do you find any other common mistake to include into this list? If so, please share in comments. We’d love to know!
Amila is a Sri Lankan living in Singapore. She blogs and shares Sri Lankan recipes with others at!
This is very informative! Thank you!
thanks for the opportunity.I am glad to see that my post is published in Svere.Hope the tips I shared are useful for the other bloggers.
I’d like to hear comments and ideas for this list from other bloggers.
Please share your thoughts.