Buffer gave us an early Christmas gift this morning with their social media compass article entitled 14 Recent Changes to Twitter, Facebook and More That Social Media Marketers Need to Know.
There is a lot of new stuff out there…the social platform elves have been busy!
Here is what you need to know about Twitter! Hold on to your hats because the winds of social media change are blowing!
Twitter has a brand new ARCHIVE SEARCH, which means they have indexed every tweet ever tweeted since Twitter was born in 2006. Check out Twitter’s new full tweet index, and have fun! Also be reminded that no one is safe from the iron-clad memory of the internet.
Overwhelmed by the volume of searchable tweetage?
Twitter has added some enhanced options into its Advanced Search with a date range functionality to help narrow it down.
What else is new? Finally, the time has arrived in which we can share tweets through Direct Messages!
In the old days, to avoid spam, it wasn’t possible to include a URL in a DM. But now, share tweets through direct messaging with ease!
Here’s how the process works, in a GIF from Twitter:
In line with rumors that Twitter is likely working on an algorithm to help sort through the massive amount of content that gets posted there every day, Twitter recently went all “Insta” by beginning to show some tweets from accounts you don’t follow in your timeline.
Twitter says, “when we identify a Tweet, an account to follow, or other content that’s popular or relevant, we may add it to your timeline. This means you will sometimes see Tweets from accounts you don’t follow.”
Hey, Twitter! Leave my stream alone! All in all its just another tweet in the wall. #PinkFloyd