


Today Janine from Blue Manor Education, is guest posting about the topic of affiliate strategies! She and her husband run a curriculum site and create learning books for kids ages 1-12 and early learning curriculum. She’s got some great information that you can use the affiliate program that you are involved in!

Affiliate programs can be a valuable source of income. But, how do you promote products successfully without looking spammy? Here are 5 strategies you can use for any program that create valuable content and generate income year after year!

When I first started using affiliate links in my posts I had no idea what I was doing. I would randomly stick a link here or there. Now, I implement at least 2 of these strategies for the best return and it has made a big difference. My affiliate posts generate a steady flow of income!

5 Affiliate Strategies that Work!

1. What?… This is a review?

That’s what you want your readers to think after they read your review. Just offer useful or unique content along with it! This makes the post easier to promote and increases the chances of it being read. Remember to include your affiliate link in pictures and keywords throughout the post. Also make sure you are disclosing and using the “nofollow” tag in all paid links.

Ideas for useful content:

  • Unique Game or Activity
  • Lists – Gift Guides, Best or Top Products
  • Quick tips or tricks
  • Crafts

2. Don’t forget SEO

Use the Google Keyword Planner to help you SEO your affiliate post. People who are looking for a product or solution will find your post without you having to promote it! That is the best kind of traffic to have. Use those keywords in your URL, a heading, titling images, and throughout the post when appropriate.

3. Utilize Pinterest

Make Pinterest work for you! Make a pinnable image for every affiliate post. A pinnable image includes a bright, vertical, interesting picture. Here is an image that is not very Pinnable, and here it is redone to make it stand out and get more re-pins. Pinterest is a huge traffic generator, so if you aren’t taking advantage of it, now is the time to learn all you can.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

For discounts, and giveaways, and freebies oh my! What is the worst that could happen? The company says no. Oh well! If they say yes, you have a great opportunity to attract new readers and generate more sales.

If you receive a product to giveaway, make sure you clarify with your affiliate that if a winner buys the product before the giveaway, (because of the awesome discount you asked for), that they will be refunded if they win. Include those details in bold above the giveaway.

5. Follow Up

Remind participants of the awesome product you were giving away in a follow-up email. Include details about who won and feature any discounts that were in your post again. Didn’t do a give away? That’s OK! Follow up with people who showed an interest through comments or who have participated in a giveaway in the past. Simply remind them about the post, feature an interesting fact about the product, or show them a great resource that is on your affiliate’s website.

I hope these tips help you make the most of your affiliate posts! Do you have any tips to share? I would love to hear them!

True Aim Education

Janine is a mother of 3 blessings with one more on the way! She blogs about faith and family at True Aim and also creates early learning eBooks for Kids at Blue Manor Education. If you’re a kid friendly or homeschool blogger, you might be interested in her affiliate program and earn up to 40%!

Connect with Janine: Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Google+ ~ Pinterest ~ Instagram

Photo credit: SalFalko / / CC BY-NC

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{ 4 comments… add one }

  • Michelle Ellashek November 22, 2013, 11:17 am

    Thanks so much for sharing. I am working hard trying to unlock my affiliates programs.. it is great to have a few more ideas!
    Michelle Ellashek recently posted…Zulily deals today- my fave baby shoesMy Profile

  • Maketta November 22, 2013, 1:26 pm

    Those were some awesome tips. I, too am trying to utilize my affiliate programs better. Thanks for sharing them with us!
    Maketta recently posted…Instaprint Lets You Make Money By Selling Your Photos On InstagramMy Profile

  • Crystal @ Crystal's Tiny Treasures November 23, 2013, 8:11 am

    Thank you for sharing your strategies! Pinned for future reference. And Congratulations, Janine!! :-)

  • Antionette Blake December 3, 2013, 10:35 am

    Thanks for sharing these tips.
    Antionette Blake recently posted…Dress First on Cyber MondayMy Profile


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