According to recent statistics, there were over 181 million blogs on the world wide web as of 2011, the majority of which are both authored and read by women ages 18-34. With statistics like that, it might seem a little daunting to be just another blogger trying to gain readership. I’m Kirsten, and I’ve been blogging at One Tough Mother for just over two years. Speaking from experience, I know the amount of time and effort we bloggers spend not only on putting together a blog post, but taking and editing photographs, sharing that post across multiple social media networks and | Continue Reading...

Sverve Influencer of the Week - Nicolette Roux Each Tuesday, Sverve highlights one standout community member and the qualities that make her unique. Be sure to subscribe to our RSS feed…you never know when it might be you! Nicolette Roux is a seriously busy woman. She’a s mom to three little ones aged four and under. She bakes, crafts, sews, and has been known to crochet on occasion. She’s a gardener and a PC gamer. And besides all that…she finds time to contribute to two blogs as well as to the Sverve community. I started consistently blogging just over 11 | Continue Reading...
Categories: Blogging Kids Kids Activities Social Sverve Tips

4 Commandments for Writing Sponsored Blog Posts Pay per click advertising and selling “spots” on a blog are falling to the wayside as companies and bloggers embrace the “sponsored post” option. There is far more money to be made by sponsored posts than many other affiliate or advertising options. If you are interested in making money, you want to be sure you do the posts well so that other brands will want to work with you. The following four suggestions should help clarify your responsibilities when writing sponsored and review posts. 1. Know the requirements as laid out by the | Continue Reading...

Sverve Influencer of the Week - The Mommy Mess Each Tuesday, Sverve highlights one standout community member and the qualities that make her unique. Be sure to subscribe to our RSS feed…you never know when it might be you! Adrienne Bolton, Author of The Mommy Mess, writes with an honest voice about motherhood and homeschooling. Her writing is always forthright, sometimes sarcastic, and never perfect. She writes about those warm fuzzy motherhood moments often, but, in her own words, I really enjoy writing about the other side of motherhood more. The side that’s real and raw. That side of motherhood | Continue Reading...

Internet marketing is huge right now, as is the concept of driving Internet traffic. Everybody is jumping on board, and with good reason! If you have a website, you need to be on at least the first two pages of search results. If you’re not, you might as well be on page 1,000. Just because you have a website does not mean that people are seeing it. Having a successful website takes a lot of work and there are many things you can do to drive traffic to it. 1. Learn About HTML When I first started writing on my | Continue Reading...

Sverve Influencer of the Week – The Rebel Foodie This is the inaugural post in SverveBlog’s new weekly feature. Each Tuesday, we will be highlighting one standout Sverve community member and the qualities that make her unique. Be sure to subscribe to our RSS feed…you never know when it might be you! Bobbie Seacrist is passionate about all things food. Her blog, The Rebel Foodie, is evidence of this. ”I am always on the prowl for something delicious and ways to make preparing it easy. I love being in the kitchen and cooking, having big family dinners or just a few friends | Continue Reading...
Categories: Blogging Food & Drink

Would you like to gain more Twitter followers? Are you wondering how to use Twitter to connect with more like-minded brands and bloggers? If so, following these ten simple steps can get you well on your way to more followers and more influence on Twitter. 10 Steps To More Followers on Twitter Step #1: Start following people and brands you want to connect with. This may seem like a no-brainer, but some people wait for others to follow them first. Don’t do this. You can gain more followers in a shorter amount of time by following people and brands that | Continue Reading...

Note: Today’s post is authored by Lucia, Sverve’s Brand Relationship Manager. She is in the business of bringing our brands up to speed on how best to work with our influencers. Brands and influencers alike will benefit from this inside look at Sverve’s campaign models…because in addition to everything else, influencers…YOU are a brand. As a blogger, you have something – be it your writing, technological skills, or social media savvy – that you want to grow and promote. Or maybe you have an actual product that you create and want to market. In any case, please enjoy this post | Continue Reading...

Hi, friends! I’m Amy, aka One Artsy Mama, and I’m thrilled to be here today to share with you a few of the best tips I’ve learned about forming successful, long-term alliances with brands. When I first started my blog, my sole intention was for it to be a place to share the things my son and I created. I had no idea at the time that blogging could ever turn into a business endeavor for me, or that two years later, I would be able to fund my son’s private school tuition with my blogging money. I’ve had a lot | Continue Reading...

The recession isn’t over yet, and most of us try to avoid spending. For many years, eye-catching banners promising us the best of this and that did their job: Caught our eye and snagged our credit card numbers. It was easy to spend and get more credit. Now that the credit has run out and many of us are in debt, we’ve developed a new skill. I call it ad blindness. This means that now we are able to browse the net for things that we’re interested in and completely ignore the banners, no matter how flashy, noisy and eye-catching | Continue Reading...