


Guest posting on larger blogs can be so helpful for bloggers! You may be writing fantastic content but getting the word out that you even exsist can be challenging. That’s why guest posting is so awesome! You essentially borrow a bloggers audience for the day while you share you expertise. And the benefits from guest posting can be great!

Sverve features a guest blogger every week on Fridays. We give our Sverve influencers the opportunity to share educational blogging advice, tips or information.

Most Sverve influencers who are a part of our community are here because they are taking their blogging very seriously. They want to take their blog to that next level and start monetizing. They want to build relationships with other bloggers and learn from them. So we have provided a way for Sverve influencers to easily learn from each other by offering guest posting on SverveBlog to our influencers community. How do you seal the deal with us and  make it happen?

1. Apply!

In your campaigns dashboard there are 3 campaigns that automatically generate when you made your account with Sverve. One of those is: Inviting Influencers to Guest Post on SverveBlog. Simply applying for this campaign will get your name in our systems so that we know you are interested.

But remember, it may take a while before we get back with you on this. There are only 52 weeks in a year and there are over 8,000 influencers on Sverve {as of Oct. 2013}that could possibly apply. You can see that it would take years before we would be able to have everyone guest post for the blog! So please, be patient with us.

When you apply for this campaign, write us a message that tells us why you want to write for us or what you might write about. This shows us that you’re truly interested and have thought through what this campaign entails.

2. Grow your blog and influence.

While you are waiting for us to get back with you about your guest posting for us, grow your blog, your followers and readers and your online influence. I’m sure you will be doing this anyway, but one way that we narrow down who will write for us is by these factors.

Because we have quite a few applicants to consider, we have a loose set of criteria we follow to select guest posters. Blog following and readership, post content, blog aesthetics – are just some of the important factors that we look at. For example, if your blog is a month old with only 2 followers on social media, we will probably not choose you. Why? You probably don’t have an arsenal of knowledge about the blogging world yet. Remember that the guest posts are educational blogging tips and advice. We will select guest posters if we feel that blogger has something to contribute to our community!

If your blog design is aesthetically pleasing, if you’ve previously written education blogging advice posts, if your social media following is outstanding or if you’re an expert in SEO, we will appreciate that and take your influence into account!

3. Follow our guest posting guidelines.

When we are ready for you to guest post for us, we will check with you to ensure you are still interested. Assuming you are, we will send our guest post guidelines to you with all of the information that you will need to complete the campaign. It would seem that it would go with out saying, that a blogger should follow these guest posting guidelines. Unfortunately not everyone is as conscientious and exact as they should be. So some major points to keep in mind are:

  • Promote your guest post on social media channels.
  • Link up a teaser post from your blog.
  • Follow the post specifics outlined.

We love our influencers and appreciate that they take time out to guest post for us! The more an influencer adhere’s to our campaign guidelines, the more chance we may ask them to write for us in the future and engage them on specialized campaigns!

So check your campaigns dashboard now if you’re interested in guest posting for us!

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  • Antionette Blake October 19, 2013, 6:14 pm

    Another wonderful blogging opportunity – thanks!
    Antionette Blake recently posted…$10 Gift Card for Go and Gift ShopMy Profile


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