


Today we have Antionette Blake with us from DeDivahDeals. She is a fifty-something frugal fashionista that loves to blog while keeping up with her full time career! This coupon clipping, clearance-rack searching shopper has lots of great ideas for frugality for her blog readers. Continue reading to see just what makes her a success!

How did you begin blogging?

DeDivahDeals was created on February 9th, 2012, after a short stint of Microblogging on Facebook. It was a way to fill a void in my life that was left by the death of my grandmother. She was my shopping partner as well as my inspiration to become a frugal fashionista. Growing up in the 60′s, she would take my sister and I to The Salvation Army Thrift store on North Avenue in New Rochelle, NY. We would spend Saturday mornings thrifting as if we were in Lord & Taylor shopping high-end retail. It was a fun experience for me but a necessity for her, and as she got older we continued to to bargain shop until she was 97 years old, she died at the age of 98.

What are your prefered blogging topics?

First and foremost I love blogging all things thrifted, whether it’s a Goodwill haul, savings from The Salvation Army Family Store or deals found in Consignment Shops. Dressing for Less is my motto and when I find a shopping bargain I love to share it. I am proud to be a card-carrying Goodwill VIP!

I also enjoy going to events around town and then writing reviews, as a matter of fact I will be attending a Fashion Show Wednesday night sponsored by Delaware Today Magazine. Thanks to the votes of family and friends, DeDivahDeals was chosen2013 Best of Delaware - BEST BLOG-UPSTATE – READERS CHOICE award which was also sponsored by Delaware Today Magazine.

 As a volunteer blogger for The Money School of Delaware, I post topics to showcase many of their free financial seminars and events held throughout the state. Earlier this month I had an opportunity to teach a Blogging 101 class also sponsored by The Money School of Delaware, it was a very rewarding experience. I consider myself a Lifestyle blogger so my topics vary and I also do product reviews as long as they fit in with the Fashion and Fun after Fifty profile.

What are your 3 favorite blog posts?

From Purses to Portfolios 2012 event, Tyler Perry on the OWN Network and MeJah Bookstore review.

What are up to when you’re not blogging?

I work a full time job with a 3-hour daily round-trip commute to Pennsylvania, so when I’m not blogging or filling up at the gas station, I’m catching up on reading, cleaning, cooking, or sleeping!  I also enjoy working outside in the yard or lounging pool side listening to Jazz.

What are your tips for balancing family life and blogging?

I keep a notepad in my car, and purse as well as a camera so when a blogging topic or opportunity presents itself I’m ready. My sons and hubby used to think I was crazy but now they understand and appreciates what I do. As a night owl I’ll usually work on my blog after dinner up until 10-11 o’clock during the week and until 1-2 am on the weekends.

Why & how do you use Sverve?

The Bookmarklet application is perfect for sharing my daily posts as well as posting other good information received in an email or read on a website. I make time every day to read the notifications, other’s posts, comment, share and follow at least 5 new members. I really enjoy reading the Blogging Tips and of course signing up for the brand Campaigns.

Do you have any tips for your success on Sverve?

Sverve is an awesome platform for female bloggers so I make sure to schedule time everyday to log on. I find and follow new members, endorse and tweet, and attending the free Webinars guarantees that I’ll learn something that will aid in the growth and improvement of my blog.

Take a moment and leave Antionette a comment! Remember to check out her blog, DeDivahDeals.

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{ 15 comments… add one }

  • Angie Nelson September 23, 2013, 7:29 am

    Congrats, Antoinette! I have enjoyed seeing you around this past week.
    Angie Nelson recently posted…Cheap Subscription BoxesMy Profile

    • Antionette Blake September 23, 2013, 11:44 am

      Thank you, it is truly an honor to be selected. Enjoy your week!
      Antionette Blake recently posted…Hello AutumnMy Profile

  • Mari Corona September 23, 2013, 4:29 pm

    Congrats fab woman!!! Always wonderful to see great women get recognized. Nice work :) xo
    Mari Corona recently posted…Sorry no boys allowed, really?My Profile

    • Antionette Blake September 23, 2013, 9:11 pm

      Thank you my dear and NOPE no boys allowed but I am sure that a few tried to sneak in – lol. It’s a great place to hang out, share and learn a lot. Click the link within my blog and join the fun!
      Antionette Blake recently posted…Sverve Influencer of the WeekMy Profile

    • Antionette Blake September 23, 2013, 9:38 pm

      oops, read your reply on a tiny screen – now see “sorry no boys allowed…” is your current post!
      Antionette Blake recently posted…Sverve Influencer of the WeekMy Profile

  • Wendi September 23, 2013, 5:28 pm

    Congrats! What an awesome write up & you deserve it! Love reading your posts..
    Wendi recently posted…A Room for a Boy Tween Furniture MakeoverMy Profile

    • Antionette Blake September 23, 2013, 9:13 pm

      Thank you, I truly appreciate your kind words. I enjoy your blog as well!
      Antionette Blake recently posted…Sverve Influencer of the WeekMy Profile

  • Michele September 24, 2013, 12:08 am

    You go girl! Great job!!!!!!!

    • Antionette Blake September 25, 2013, 1:39 pm

      Thank you so very much!
      Antionette Blake recently posted…Thrifted Tuesday – OOTDMy Profile

  • Itzybellababy September 24, 2013, 3:44 pm

    A 3 hour commute.. I would go insane. I used to do an hour each way, and it was brutal… but we got to do what we got to do, right!?
    Congratulations on the feature here. It was lovely to read your background.
    Itzybellababy recently posted…Blogger opp- Sign-up and offer your readers the chance to win a Kinderfeets balance bike!My Profile

    • Antionette Blake September 25, 2013, 1:41 pm

      oh yes, have been in that car 3-hours a day for over 3 years and needless to say it’s not fun, especially in bad weather. I have my little Angel on the dashboard and ask God for help me make it to my destination and then head out…. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment, enjoy the rest of the week.
      Antionette Blake recently posted…Thrifted Tuesday – OOTDMy Profile

  • Gary September 24, 2013, 5:08 pm

    This is very inspiring! I thought my everyday commute is bad enough (2-2.5hr) but yours is at a different level. I really like how you step out to the community to help other bloggers. Keep up the great work!

    • Antionette Blake September 25, 2013, 1:42 pm

      Oh you have a bad commute too! Thank you and traveling mercies!
      Antionette Blake recently posted…Thrifted Tuesday – OOTDMy Profile

  • Rocky September 28, 2013, 7:40 am

    Blog about what you love! You are doing just that, Antoinette! My family has taken advantage of thrift shopping since we were kids. It’s a great way to save and it’s nice to look great at a bargain!

    I am grateful for my 5 minute commute! Just had to throw that in!
    Rocky recently posted…Blogging Your PassionMy Profile

  • Jonathan Milligan September 29, 2013, 6:37 pm

    You are such an inspiration Antionette! It is amazing to see all of the stuff you get done while working a full time job.
    Jonathan Milligan recently posted…How the ABL Principle Will Change Your LifeMy Profile


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