Being a Sverve influencer is not just about making money. Some advantages you have within our community is to make new relationships with like-minded bloggers, to get more blog exposure and to learn more on the subject of blogging! One way that we make it easy for you to get your blog “out there” is by providing a way for you to share your content on our site – sharing tips!
What is a tip?
A tip is a blog post or a link that you find helpful and one that you would like to share with the Sverve community. A tip could be anything from a great post on blog monetization or a fabulous deal on cloth diapers. You can share tips from any site on the internet – even your own!
Who sees these tips?
Those who have chosen to follow you in the Sverve community will see every tip that you post! You can even post these tips to Facebook and Twitter for your followers to view! Just click on a tip to go to its Tip detail and you will see options to tweet, send to Facebook, or email this tip at the top. You will also see an option to get a short link to the tip. Just copy and paste it anywhere you want to share.
How do I share a tip?
There are two different ways to share a tip. The first way is by using our site, When logged into your account, you will see your profile picture at the top of the lefthand side of the page. To the right of your image you will see a text box that states – “Do you have a tip? Share it now…” Here is my personal account so you can see it:
Click on that text box and a drop down set of boxes will open up. Fill them in and click “Add Tip”.
You can personalize the content by either filtering or adding specific categories to favorites. By specifying a category for your tip, you can ensure that it will reach the right audience, as well as appear in search results.
When you share a tip, your followers can see it. It is an affirmation that you want to send it to your followers. Also, it adds the tip to your tip list on your profile page.
You’re not done yet! A box will pop up with all available images on that page that you are able to attach to your tip! Choose the one you want and click “Awesome”.
After clicking “Awesome” your tip will show up on your Sverve dashboard! Your followers can now see it and anyone who searches for tips with your specific content will see it!
The second way to upload a tip is by using the bookmarklet. This is my personal favorite because it is super easy to use this feature! BookMarklet is an easy way for you to share tips from anywhere on the Web. Just drop our BookMarklet in your browser’s favorite bar and send tip to Sverve from whichever website you are browsing with a single click! It is a cool way to find, organize, and share content from the Internet.
By clicking on the “About” tab in the top navigational bar of your Sverve dashboard, you will find “bookmarklet” in the drop down menu. Clicking on this will take you to the page with instructions for how to install the bookmarklet in your browser’s favorite bar!
You can learn more about BookMarklet here.
The details of your tip
By clicking on the actual tip, you can view the details of your tip, send to Facebook, Twitter or email to friends, get the tip url, like it, add to favorites, comment on it and add tags to it for searching purposes. Lots of options!
Scrolling down in that box a bit, you will see the option to comment on the tip, add tags to the tip and view other influencers with the same area of influence that this tip was placed in: blogging.
When you add a tip, Sverve tries to find keywords for it. These keywords are called tags because Sverve tags your tips by these keywords for easy search. It works on your Facebook and Twitter messages too.
You can add or delete tags on your tips [added or shared] on their detail page. We don’t get it right all the time, so feel free to change it as you deem fit.
And that is everything you need to know about tips on Sverve!