


Today Paula Rollo from Beauty Through Imperfection is being interviewed. She’s a stay at home mom and full time blogger who has made bounds of success in a short time! Read along to learn more about her!

1. How did you being blogging?

That’s a tricky question! I originally started blogging when I was 15, and I’ve had 3 blogs (under 4 different names) since that time. At first blogging was simply an online journal and a way for me to keep in touch with my friends when I moved away, but it has become so much more! Now I blog for many reasons: To encourage, to share tips, to build community, to earn money and because I love to write!


2. What are your preferred blogging topics?

I love to write about motherhood and to encourage other mamas. That is my most passionate writing topic. I also enjoy writing about crafts, parenting tips, blogging advice and marriage.

3. What are your favorite blog posts and why?

This is a hard one too! I have lots of favorites, and all for different reasons!

8 Reasons Childbirth is Easier Than Pregnancy - because I enjoy being a little bit snarky while also getting to encourage!

The Confessions of an Imperfect Mother Series - because it’s real.

How to Write a Christmas Letter Without Being Obnoxious - because I love Christmas letters and the chance to defend them!

4. What you are up to when not blogging?

Chasing my kiddos! I have two toddlers, and they keep me busy. I squeeze blogging in during nap time, after bedtime and once a week on my night “out” when I head to our local coffee shop to have a full night of writing. I’m involved in a weekly Bible study group that I love, church on Sundays and lots of playdates in between! My husband and I love playing board games and watching Dr. Who!

5. What are your tips for balancing family life and blogging?

Family comes first. Always! If blogging is important to you, then I think it is important to schedule blogging time and time away from the blog throughout the week. That way you don’t find yourself blogging when you shouldn’t be, but also get everything done online that you need to accomplish. I’ve actually written a whole post with 8 ways to balance blogging & family life, it’s something I’m really passionate about. I LOVE to blog, and the extra income definitely helps, but I don’t want to do it at the expense of time with my family.

6. Why & how do you use Sverve?

It’s a great place to find sponsored posts and product reviews, and a fun place to connect with other bloggers. I check in a few times a week, endorse my friends, share posts and check for new campaigns!

7. Do you have any tips for your success on Sverve?

Find friends (both old and new!), share lots of posts and participate in some great campaigns that fit your audience.

8. What do you love most about blogging?

This is a really hard question! There is so much to love, but I guess I can settle on two favorites. I love writing, it is something that I will never stop doing. The second (and it’s just as important) is that I love to encourage people. Blogging gives me the platform to share tips and encourage so many mamas and I love being able to walk the journey of motherhood with other women and let them know they are doing a great job!!

9. Are there any tips you’d like to share to newbie bloggers?

Enjoy it! Whatever your reasons for blogging, keep it fun, let is always be your passion, even if/when it becomes your job. I share lots of blogging tips on my blog too! :)

Stay connected with Paula through her blog, Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest.

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