Summer is almost here! That means getting into those swimsuits and short shorts again!Are you ready for the season? If not, check out these great fitness posts by our Sverve influencers! These posts were featured on! Select Sverve influencers are able to get their posts published there! If you’re interested in writing for Parade and getting lots of blog exposure, CLICK HERE!
Dirty Girl Mud Run
Kira from European Cutie shares with us her exercise and food consumption preparation for her 5K run!
How To Easily Cut Calories
Kayla gives her tips for cutting calories with ease!
5 YouTubers to Follow for Fitness Inspiration
Veronica points fitness seekers in the right direction with these top 5 fitness gurus on Youtube!
4 Fitness Boosting Foods
With these fitness boosting foods, Swarnam Johns says you’ll weight faster!
Top 5 Workout Videos
Kira from European Cutie gives her best picks for best workout videos ever!
Fitness Tips to Burn Fat & Calories
Veronica shares her fitness to effortlessly burn calories and cut fat!
Fat Loss: 5 Strategies that Work!
Sarah Jane gives her fat loss strategies that get the job done!
5 Tips for Running Newbies
Lauren gives her tips for beginner runners!
One may need a lot of work and effort to stay fit, but it all paid for when you have a healthy body

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