You poured your heart and soul into your post. You even added pictures!! So why isn’t anyone visiting your blog or commenting? Could it be that you are boring? Surely not! So what gives?
If you post they will come!
Whether you are brand new to the blogosphere or a blogging guru, driving traffic to your site is very important! Although great for SEO, simply writing a content rich post will NOT drive traffic to your site. You NEED readers and better yet, commenters!
A few years ago, I started a blog. After a few months of posting and no one reading it, I ended up giving up. It just felt like I was keeping an online Diary.
My “Aha moment”
I eventually came back but just when I was ready to give up (again), I had an “aha moment” and typed “blogging” on Facebook search. And the rest, as they say, is history.
For the sake of this post, I’m going to assume that anyone reading this is already on Facebook or has heard Facebook before.
There are lots of ways you can use Facebook to bring traffic to your baby (blog). I want to share the 2 features that I’ve been using in order to get people to my site.
Facebook Fan Page for you Blog
Having a Facebook Fan Page is a great way for you to connect with people from all over the world without having to add them directly on your friend list. Remember, you are already writing awesome content, we just need to direct people to it! *wink*
Sharing is Caring
With a Facebook Fan Page you also have the option to promote a post (for a fee), so that more people can see it. Make sure that you update your Facebook Page regularly and always making sure to link back to your site. Pictures from your blog would also work great since people are more likely to share a picture than a status update. Have fun with it! Share content from other bloggers, some are sure to reciprocate.
Facebook Groups
Remember I mentioned my “aha moment” then typing “blogging” on Facebook search? Well don’t take my words for it, head over to Facebook right now and type “blogging” on the search option. Be sure to choose “groups” and behold!!!
As you can see from the picture (or from doing your own search) there are tons of groups on Facebook. Just be sure to check what the groups is about before joining. So far I’ve joined mom blogger groups, SEO blogging groups and I even joined an “owl addict support” group (don’t judge me, I love everything owl related). This to say, there are lots of groups and each groups have their own purposes.
Facebook groups are like big communities with people that are really helpful and friendly. Not to jinx it but I have yet to find a group with mean/rude individuals (knock on wood).
Now for the fun part. Start by joining some groups, introduce yourself and get to know the group members. Don’t be shy and ask questions. Make friends with fellow bloggers in the group. Some groups will even allow you to post your blog links, so that others can visit your site.
Since you’re an awesome blogger, it won’t be long till people start coming to you site. Which means, more traffic.
Facebook groups are free and most of the groups are public.
So there you have it, 2 simple AND free ways you can use Facebook to drive people to your blog. I’m sure there are more but these two have proven to work really well for me.
Have fun connecting with people and gaining followers at the same time!
Happy Blogging!
I’m Marielle,
Mother, blogger, avid foodie and scented wax lover, but you can call me Lady Marielle
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I have to agree.. The FB fan groups are awesome! It takes allot of work but it is very much worth it.