


You poured your heart and soul into your post. You even added pictures!! So why isn’t anyone visiting your blog or commenting? Could it be that you are boring? Surely not! So what gives?

If you post they will come!

Whether you are brand new to the blogosphere or a blogging guru, driving traffic to your site is very important! Although great for SEO, simply writing a content rich post will NOT drive traffic to your site. You NEED readers and better yet, commenters!

A few years ago, I started a blog. After a few months of posting and no one reading it, I ended up giving up. It just felt like I was keeping an online Diary.

My “Aha moment”

I eventually came back but just when I was ready to give up (again), I had an “aha moment” and typed “blogging” on Facebook search. And the rest, as they say, is history.

For the sake of this post, I’m going to assume that anyone reading this is already on Facebook or has heard Facebook before.

There are lots of ways you can use Facebook to bring traffic to your baby (blog). I want to share the 2 features that I’ve been using in order to get people to my site.

Facebook Fan Page for you Blog

Having a Facebook Fan Page is a great way for you to connect with people from all over the world without having to add them directly on your friend list. Remember, you are already writing awesome content, we just need to direct people to it! *wink*

Sharing is Caring

With a Facebook Fan Page you also have the option to promote a post (for a fee), so that more people can see it. Make sure that you update your Facebook Page regularly and always making sure to link back to your site. Pictures from your blog would also work great since people are more likely to share a picture than a status update. Have fun with it! Share content from other bloggers, some are sure to reciprocate.

Facebook Groups

Remember I mentioned my “aha moment” then typing “blogging” on Facebook search? Well don’t take my words for it, head over to Facebook right now and type “blogging” on the search option. Be sure to choose “groups” and behold!!!


Facebook groups

As you can see from the picture (or from doing your own search) there are tons of groups on Facebook. Just be sure to check what the groups is about before joining. So far I’ve joined mom blogger groups, SEO blogging groups and I even joined an “owl addict support” group (don’t judge me, I love everything owl related). This to say, there are lots of groups and each groups have their own purposes.

Facebook groups are like big communities with people that are really helpful and friendly. Not to jinx it but I have yet to find a group with mean/rude individuals (knock on wood).

Now for the fun part. Start by joining some groups, introduce yourself and get to know the group members. Don’t be shy and ask questions. Make friends with fellow bloggers in the group. Some groups will even allow you to post your blog links, so that others can visit your site.

Since you’re an awesome blogger, it won’t be long till people start coming to you site. Which means, more traffic.

Facebook groups are free and most of the groups are public.

Facebook Tips For Traffic


So there you have it, 2 simple AND free ways you can use Facebook to drive people to your blog. I’m sure there are more but these two have proven to work really well for me.

Have fun connecting with people and gaining followers at the same time!
Happy Blogging!



Lady Marielle


I’m Marielle,

Mother, blogger, avid foodie and scented wax lover, but you can call me Lady Marielle ;)

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{ 79 comments… add one }

  • kungphoo April 25, 2014, 8:35 am

    I have to agree.. The FB fan groups are awesome! It takes allot of work but it is very much worth it.

  • Kelly Carson April 25, 2014, 8:50 am

    Some good advice Marielle. Now if you can find a way to get Facebook to stop changing how many see my post, I’d be forever grateful ;)
    Kelly Carson recently posted…Treasures of the Walt Disney ArchivesMy Profile

  • Jenna April 25, 2014, 9:20 am

    Facebook blogging groups have made all the difference in bringing traffic to my blog! I have found several groups where I have made some good connections and blogging friends. We help each other out all the time! The groups I am in do daily threads where we post a specific social media post we want shared and share each others. It helps so much!
    Jenna recently posted…Balsamic Chicken SandwichMy Profile

  • Scott April 25, 2014, 9:48 am

    There are rude groups out there, you’ll run into one soon! But for the most part they are great people with the same agenda as you.
    Scott recently posted…Silicone – Best Invention Ever!My Profile

  • Meredith Elizabeth April 25, 2014, 11:04 am

    I’ve been there. I wondered for a long time if people would ever click on my blog. I got instant results by joining FB groups. I’m still lagging on subscribers as in ZERO! Because of that I doubt I should even bother starting a fan site. Well, I guess I can be satisfied with my “performance” being that I’m not doing it for income for now. So some days I’m still a little discouraged despite how much creativity I pour into it. But it’s still someone I enjoy doing.

  • Ashley - Be Wonderfully You April 25, 2014, 11:25 am

    Wonderful post Marielle! This will be incredibly rewarding for any blogger! Finding people to share your blog with and build a network is so important :) Thanks for sharing!!
    Ashley – Be Wonderfully You recently posted…SUBSCRIBER GIVE AWAY!!!My Profile

  • Eric Mizner April 25, 2014, 11:57 am

    I love this blog post. Matter of fact last night I did a Facebook search and found myself in a few new groups. I was up half the night and low and behold when I woke up this morning my blog post from last night is very close to record breaking for my site!

    Here is one huge moral I take from this post and I teach this to my team. NEVER GIVE UP…..When you quit you failed. Keep working, blogging, talking and networking and you WILL achieve greatness!

    I will share this post to help bring value to others who may be ready to quit. Thank you again.

    Eric Mizner recently posted…What Habits Do You Have?My Profile

  • Heather Cameron April 25, 2014, 2:47 pm

    Great advice. I joined my first Facebook blogging group in November 2013 and was amazed by the results. I was always amazed but what I learnt from other bloggers. Join a few groups, stick with them for a month or so before you decide if you want to stay with them.
    Heather Cameron recently posted…7 Ways to Leverage Your NetworkMy Profile

  • Alexandra McAllister April 25, 2014, 4:13 pm

    These are great and effective ways to increase traffic to facebook and our blog! It is all about sharing and caring! Thank you!
    Alexandra McAllister recently posted…DS Domination FAQ And The Extra Bonus Of Being On Our TeamMy Profile

  • Marielle Altenor April 25, 2014, 7:23 pm

    =) So happy to be featured!!! Thank you!
    Marielle Altenor recently posted…Mattress In A Box: I Need A Bigger BedMy Profile

    • Tough Cookie Mommy April 28, 2014, 3:21 pm

      Congrats on being featured. It’s always nice to be recognized for the work that we do.
      Tough Cookie Mommy recently posted…Tips For Planning Your Outdoor Memorial Day Party! @DollarTree #AdMy Profile

  • Diana Foree April 25, 2014, 10:05 pm

    This was an excellent article Marielle to help us with getting followers on Facebook. Thanks!
    Diana Foree recently posted…Craft AddictionsMy Profile

  • getmybuzzup April 26, 2014, 6:37 am

    Great article. This was a good read. Thanks
    getmybuzzup recently posted…Video: Tink (@Official_Tink) | TimeMy Profile

  • Jen April 26, 2014, 1:21 pm

    Great post Marielle! Facebook is still my favorite social media and I have made some great connections in blogging groups there. I recently took a leap and started my own group NJ Bloggers to try and meet other bloggers in my area. I’ve got a small group of 18 awesome bloggers so far and a great feeling of community!
    Jen recently posted…Blogging Basics – 7 Plugins I Can’t Live WithoutMy Profile

    • valmg April 26, 2014, 4:10 pm

      Jen – I have a group of NJ bloggers, and belong to another. Would be interested to hearing more about yours.
      valmg recently posted…REVIEW – Buster DogMaze #PetsMy Profile

  • Robin (Masshole Mommy) April 26, 2014, 3:44 pm

    I belong to a bunch of FB groups and while the new FB rules have really cut down on the traffic that I get from them, I love all the groups and people I have met in them (youself included)!

  • valmg @ Mom Knows It All April 26, 2014, 4:11 pm

    Facebook groups are a great networking tool. I do with Facebook would give opions to organize them better though.

  • Chavonne H April 26, 2014, 5:29 pm

    The Facebook groups have been incredible in getting traffic to my blog, definitely a huge thing to participate in to receive more exposure and find out about other bloggers too. I haven’t had too much success with a facebook fan page but some really do.
    Chavonne H recently posted…Food Should Taste Good Chips ReviewMy Profile

  • Sarah Bailey April 26, 2014, 8:03 pm

    Great idea – I have to admit I love blogging groups on Facebook – it is so nice to connect with others :) x
    Sarah Bailey recently posted…#SilentSundayMy Profile

  • Curby Aardvark April 26, 2014, 8:13 pm

    These are great tips and will help me so much.

  • Amanda Ripsam April 27, 2014, 12:28 am

    I love my facebook bloggy buddies in my groups. I love the groups I do find it difficult to keep up with so many groups. I have met some friendly people and the friendlyist people seem to be bloggers from any other group I’ve been apart of.

  • Kayla April 27, 2014, 1:05 am

    Don’t worry, I won’t judge-I have a TON of Owl related things because I LOVE Owls, too :)

    I agree, Facebook (as well as a lot of other social media channels) are a wealth of not only potential readers, but of knowledge! I cannot tell you how many fellow bloggers and people have helped me along my blogging and social media journey.
    Kayla recently posted…Be Mom’s Flower Faerie with + $75 GC GiveawayMy Profile

  • lawna April 27, 2014, 3:08 pm

    I have found social media to be one of my largest forms of traffic. I love promoting on social media because it’s free and quick!

  • Jeanne Melanson April 27, 2014, 3:23 pm

    I like this article, Marielle. I’ve in a lot of Facebook groups, and I host my own as well, as you are aware. It’s important to share generously so that people will happily share yours in return. We’re all in this together. Thanks for putting this together. Take care! :)
    Jeanne Melanson recently posted…Rare and Beautiful Zonkey Has Arrived! What is a Zonkey, You Ask?My Profile

  • Michael April 27, 2014, 4:13 pm

    Just really starting to tap into the Facebook blogging far so good as I have several very supportive groups who come by and read my blog. The best part is discovering new voices as well….
    Michael recently posted…Clinical Trials Now Accessible to More Patients – guest blog by Heather MillarMy Profile

  • Marni April 27, 2014, 10:10 pm

    I love Facebook groups and was so happy to find them. Other than groups though–my Facebook fan page isn’t a great traffic generator for me.
    Marni recently posted…Easter Dessert Recipes for SpringMy Profile

  • Tough Cookie Mommy April 27, 2014, 10:29 pm

    These are some great tips. Unfortunately, due to the new Facebook algorithm, I’m finding that fan pages aren’t bringing a lot of traffic.
    Tough Cookie Mommy recently posted…Busy Moms Keep Going With @Keurig #JustBrewIt #AdMy Profile

  • Alyne April 27, 2014, 10:44 pm

    Great information for someone like myself…new to blogging.
    Thank you…

  • Lawrenc e Bergfeld April 28, 2014, 12:36 am

    When people use what you mentioned about driving traffic to your blogpost from Facebook they will get more than they have previously because you explain how it works more effectively. And I never saw it explained in such a nutshell.

    Lawrence Bergfeld
    Lawrenc e Bergfeld recently posted…Exclusive Network Marketing Tip On Comp Plan TodayMy Profile

  • Swarnam John April 28, 2014, 1:06 am

    Thanks for this awesome post!
    Swarnam John recently posted…Can Speed Reading Apps Make You DumbMy Profile

  • Shruti J April 28, 2014, 2:41 am

    I definitely am looking forward to follow the tidbits you suggested in this post! Let’s hope I get an increase in traffic <3
    Shruti J recently posted…BhelMy Profile

  • Terry April 28, 2014, 8:07 am

    I have not been blogging as much as I once was. I am kind of taking a break for summer. Thanks so much for the great tips. I notice on my blog, that I get more traffic from twitter than facebook.
    Terry recently posted…How We Stopped Dryer Lint From Blowing All OverMy Profile

  • alice chase April 28, 2014, 8:09 am

    Great tips. Getting attention to our work is part of why we do what we do. This tips are great for maximizing that- Thanks!
    alice chase recently posted…Six Weeks ‘Til Summer – HydrationMy Profile

  • Ashley Gill April 28, 2014, 12:02 pm

    I am part of one group that has helped me learn so much, but it has also let me see the type of people that run blogs out there. We are a group of VERY different kind of people.
    Ashley Gill recently posted…Try the World Subscription Box GiveawayMy Profile

  • Tess April 28, 2014, 12:18 pm

    Great tips for working with Facebook. I have been wondering if Facebook was still worth it.
    Tess recently posted…No More Sorting #Purex No SortMy Profile

  • Amber Edwards April 28, 2014, 12:32 pm

    I use a lot of FB blogging groups. Some are for knowledge only; others we can share our latest blogging efforts and get more eyes on it. Most of the FB groups I am a part of are all centered around blogging.
    Amber Edwards recently posted…15 Tips to cut your energy bill | Use LED Power to save a bundle. #LEDSavingsMy Profile

  • Rosey April 28, 2014, 1:51 pm

    A lot of people grouch about Facebook, and I have my moments of scratching my head too, but I like it for the most part. I think it’s a great way to interact w/other bloggers and draw new people in too.
    Rosey recently posted…#LegoKidsFest: The 2014 Tour!My Profile

  • Jo Casey April 28, 2014, 4:13 pm

    I agree – groups (especially those targeted to you niche) can be a great way to bring the right people to your site.

  • Pam April 28, 2014, 5:16 pm

    Great tips! Blog groups are one of the biggest things that drives traffic to my site.

  • Amanda Ripsam April 28, 2014, 6:48 pm

    I have done all of this I get the traffic and little interaction I’m working on promoting my blog more

  • Ashley April 28, 2014, 7:08 pm

    Wonderful advice! Facebook is a great tool to use to get your blog out there and get people interested.
    Ashley recently posted…Catching Up: Quick Thoughts on “Aladdin,” “Rocky,” and “Violet”My Profile

  • Liz Mays April 28, 2014, 7:19 pm

    Facebook groups are awesome for both support and networking. Excellent tip you gave.
    Liz Mays recently posted…15 Smoky and Savory BBQ RecipesMy Profile

  • Triplezmom April 28, 2014, 7:47 pm

    Love my FB groups! They have helped my traffic and given me so many ideas.
    Triplezmom recently posted…Being A Theater Mom Is Better Than Being A Sports MomMy Profile

  • Pam April 28, 2014, 7:55 pm

    Great tips, especially for beginning bloggers. I think it is important for me to have Facebook connections and I definitely have benefited from having these connections and interactions.

  • Amber NElson April 28, 2014, 8:05 pm

    Joining the Facebook groups have been pretty awesome.
    Amber NElson recently posted…Matthew McConaughey And Family Host Charity Event In TexasMy Profile

  • Kristen from The Road to Domestication April 28, 2014, 8:58 pm

    Oh, I LOVE Facebook for my blog! Great post here!
    Kristen from The Road to Domestication recently posted…High School Senior Photo IdeasMy Profile

  • Jim Striegel April 28, 2014, 10:01 pm

    Great tips. I appreciate you sharing and will bookmark this.

  • Marjory Johnson April 28, 2014, 10:03 pm

    I’ve actually started joining more groups and hope to network with you all to share and learn more.

  • Kungphoo April 28, 2014, 10:09 pm

    Perfect tips here! These are all very important and very helpful as well! Thank you!

  • Maria April 28, 2014, 11:45 pm

    great tips!! I find that sometimes it becomes so much work but it is a necessary evil to blogging. I lvoe the connections I make from FB groups though.

  • Jennifer Williams April 29, 2014, 12:06 am

    I would be lost without many of my FB groups. Some are more than just blogging buddies, they have become family.
    Jennifer Williams recently posted…Running 4 Jaxson – April 27, 2014My Profile

  • veronica April 29, 2014, 12:07 am

    these are all great tips Marielle. I have had such support and encouragement from the groups I am a part of. I remember one time I took a month off blogging without notifying anyone, and I got tons of emails checking in to make sure I was ok. Those are some of the bonds that you can build through using Facebook to complement your blogging efforts
    veronica recently posted…The Ultimate List of Mother’s Day Gift IdeasMy Profile

  • Annie April 29, 2014, 12:48 am

    Great tips for getting more traffic & blog comments for entries :)
    Annie recently posted…Gavin DeGraw Concert at Uptown TheatreMy Profile

  • Deanna Heiliger April 29, 2014, 1:03 am

    Thanks for the great post. I have joined several groups on Facebook and some are fabulous and friendly And some are not. The good news is the people who will love your blog will come!
    Deanna Heiliger recently posted…If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘EmMy Profile

  • Tom H April 29, 2014, 1:42 am

    This is a really well thought out article on boosting your blogs SEO. Social engagement and cross-sharing is critical

  • Yvonne Brown April 29, 2014, 2:36 am

    I am going to google blogging and learn about new groups! Thanks for the tip!

  • Toni April 29, 2014, 7:04 am

    FB blogging groups have definitely helped in getting comments. I have decent traffic but it seems people would just read and not comment LOL
    Toni recently posted…How You Can Help Build A Dream #GivingBackMy Profile

  • Amanda April 29, 2014, 8:34 am

    These are great tips! I have lots of groups that I am a part of.
    Amanda recently posted…For A Very ‘POP’ular Teacher Free Printable Tag for Teacher AppreciationMy Profile

  • Erica April 29, 2014, 11:56 am

    I really enjoy the support and feedback from fellow bloggers. This is a great post!
    Erica recently posted…Mom’s favorite flower? Shop beautiful volcanic flowers from The Bouqs Co. & show her some #BOUQLOVEMy Profile

  • Melanie April 29, 2014, 2:01 pm

    Most my traffic comes from Pinterest I’ve found so I always make sure to post on a few boards and that brings people in. Great tips!
    Melanie recently posted…The Snails are BackMy Profile

  • Kerrie April 29, 2014, 11:43 pm

    A really great article. I am using Facebook but finding it hard to get the awareness and viewers to my posts because of the ever changing algorithms. But hoping it will drive more traffic soon.
    Kerrie recently posted…Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Car #HyundaiDriveSquadMy Profile

  • Michelle F. April 29, 2014, 11:58 pm

    Those are a lot of great tips. I would love to implement a fan group.

  • Kelly Kimmell April 30, 2014, 8:38 am

    Thanks for the great tips. I agree that Facebook groups can be a great help! I have joined several and I appreciate how helpful everyone is.
    Kelly Kimmell recently posted…Hamilton Beach FlexBrew Single-Serve Coffee Maker ReviewMy Profile

  • tara pittman April 30, 2014, 2:58 pm

    These are great tips. I also post my post on a brands Facebook page if it is about their product
    tara pittman recently posted…Broccoli SaladMy Profile

  • Roslyn Tanner Evans April 30, 2014, 9:33 pm

    If I didn’t belong to a group, I wouldn’t be blogging. So many benefits to being a part of a community and it is important to find the right fit.
    Roslyn Tanner Evans recently posted…Mother’s Day 2014: Precious MomsMy Profile

  • Kungphoo April 30, 2014, 10:11 pm

    Great advice here! Will be using it and thank you for sharing! :-)

  • Gina Binder May 1, 2014, 12:07 am

    You are abslolutely right! Facebook has breathed new life into my blog. I had to try it to believe it.
    Gina Binder recently posted…Leaky Pipes, the F-Bomb, and Better CommunicationMy Profile

  • rocky May 1, 2014, 12:30 am

    great tips here…thanks for sharing!
    rocky recently posted…Preferred Weighing ScalesMy Profile

  • Pamela May 1, 2014, 1:19 am

    When I started the business, I also discover the power of groups, not only in Facebook but in other social media platforms as well. Great way to share your blogs and gain networks, too!

  • Rochefel May 1, 2014, 6:26 am

    very well said! Indeed facebook groups are awesome :)

  • Beverley Golden May 1, 2014, 9:14 am

    Great post Marielle, and all from your own personal trial and learning! I love this kind of experiential info that you share. There is always so much new to learn and your tips are very helpful as I move away from writing on the Huffington Post to focusing on my own blog. Thanks for sharing!

  • Alexandra McAllister May 1, 2014, 12:04 pm

    These are all great tips for getting more traffic and blog comments. It does take time to be in several groups but it is worth it. Nothing comes easy!
    Alexandra McAllister recently posted…Hot Chocolate’s Aztec HistoryMy Profile

  • Pat Moon May 1, 2014, 4:21 pm

    Great tips for driving traffic to your blog. I had not thought about doing a search on FB for groups of bloggers. I would think that would also work to help find people who would be interested in your niche. Thanks for sharing this.
    Pat Moon recently posted…Struggling With The Stubborn Fat In The MiddleMy Profile

  • A. Lynn Jesus May 4, 2014, 2:44 pm

    Great tips! I have found a lot of value in Facebook groups. Some are more interactive than others, but you still have the opportunity of getting to know more people. And getting the word out about your content!
    A. Lynn Jesus recently posted…Peek-a-boo! And You’re Still Here! Yay!My Profile

  • Yvonne Brown May 4, 2014, 3:03 pm

    Connecting a blog to a facebook page is smart.

  • Katrina May 4, 2014, 4:14 pm

    I use this exact approach on Google+ and have gotten similar results. It is amazing the communities you can now find and join on social media.

    Thank you for sharing and creating this post!
    Katrina recently posted…Blogging Ingredients: 22 Minutes to Create a 6-Figure IncomeMy Profile

  • Sharon O'Day May 5, 2014, 11:27 am

    Interaction IS the name of the game when we’re defining the value of blogging. So blogging groups do bring “eyes” to your content, which in turn is good for SEO, friendships and learning. The next step (so you don’t find yourself investing all your time in keeping up with the groups) is to focus on those groups that get actual potential customers to your site, whether directly or indirectly. Thanks for sharing this powerful information, Marielle!
    Sharon O’Day recently posted…Financial Independence: A Quick and Dirty Path to FreedomMy Profile

  • Diane Bester May 5, 2014, 12:52 pm

    I use FB for those purposes and am doing very well. Thanks for your great tips! Oh, and BTW, I adore owls…. ;)

  • Christy June 2, 2014, 10:23 am

    Thanks so much for sharing with us. There are many great places to get traffic to your site.
    Christy recently posted…FREE FOR ONLY 7 DAYs. Jewelry In Candles Become a Rep Open Enrollment.My Profile


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