At Sverve we are constantly trying to improve our website and procedures. And today we’ve got some updates to share with you!
The campaigns page, where you discover new campaigns to apply for, has been updated and made easier to navigate. Here are a few of the changes that we’ve made to make your life easier!
1. Influencers will only see those campaigns that match their areas of influence and the score requirements.
Previously on our site, all campaigns were visible whether they matched your area of influence or not. Now you will only be notified and shown those campaigns that directly pertain to you. That’s less mess for you to scroll through! And only those campaigns that match the brands’ score requirements will be visible to you. This will hopefully help utilize your time better and help your Sverve experience to be more efficient!
2.Campaigns are organized by status.
Now on the campaigns page, all campaigns are organized by status.
You can easily view what campaigns are available to you in “ALL CAMPAIGNS”. You can view what campaigns you are currently participating in “PARTICIPATING”. And in “COMPLETED CAMPAIGNS” you will see every campaign that you’ve been engaged in since your Sverve beginning.
This will help with organization and hopefully there will be less confusion!
3. Influencers can see their status on a campaign on the campaign title itself.
On the “ALL CAMPAIGNS” tab on the campaigns page, you can now view your status of each campaign: applied, engaged, pending approval, etc. Beside each campaign title, you will see your status on those campaigns that you’ve taken some action upon. Again, this will help you with your campaign organization and make Sverving easier you on!
REMEMBER: The biggest driving factor to seeing relevant campaigns in your campaigns tab is your AREAS OF INFLUENCE! When you join Sverve inputting your areas of influence is completed upon registration. This task should be executed carefully. Brands use and influencers’ area of influence as a guide for engagement.
If you’re not seeing relevant campaigns coming to you, think about editing your areas of influence. Yes, by doing this you will have to start over again with that area and build your endorsements. But seeing relevant campaigns instead of campaigns that are useless to you, may be worth the effort.
I feel with these updates,it is easy to navigate through the relevant campaigns.Great,now we are able to change the areas of influence if we have done it wrongly at the time of registration!
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